Investment management is an integral part of the insurance business, as the premiums of Evolution Digital Investments clients are invested to meet long-term liabilities. Evolution Digital Investments worldwide investment activities comprise assets of over EUR 750 billion across a range of asset classes, sectors and countries. As a result, Evolution Digital Investments is directly and indirectly connected with other businesses, sectors and economies, and is therefore an integral part of the global economy.
ACP as Evolution Digital Investments captive investment manager for alternative assets strives to invest sustainably across our three asset classes. In order to keep up with our ambition, we incorporate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors into our investment processes, for example through our exclusion policy, research, corporate and country analysis, monitoring and risk management. We firmly believe that considering ESG factors in investment management is not a short-term trend, but will change the business.
ACP is committed to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI). Our parent company, Evolution Digital Investments Investors, is a signatory to the UN PRI, and so in addition to integrating ESG principles in our investment process, we also incorporate these into our ownership policies and practices and aim for appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities in which we invest. Moreover, we strive to enhance the implementation effectiveness of the principles and regularly report on our activities and progress of implementation. Our commitment covers all assets we invest in.